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Why is This GV306 Violin Better Than That One?

March 29, 2020


Buying your first violin can be exciting. But with so many factors to juggle. One of the questions you may ask a lot here at Glarry is "Why is The Glarry GV306 Violin Better Than That One?"

1. Is There a Spec Sheet?

There's no spec sheet. It is not as simple as choose a new computer.The main functionality of your computer will dictate the kind of computer that you need, you just need to know what you need your computer for.

2. Ingredients Matter?

YES, ingredients matter.The first reason that makes one instrument better than the other is that the ingredients matter.

If you cooking, it is easy to understand. When you cooking a fine six course meal, the quality of the meats, the freshness of the vegetables and spices you start with dramatically impact the end result.

Likewise, the quality of wood, where it's from, its age, how long it's been dried, its flawlessness, the wod grain width etc. are some of the variables the instrument makers consider.

Glarry GV306 violin - Upgrade Violin, is well crafted from spruce panels and maple backs and sides, that have been dried for more than 5 years, finish with a beautiful dark brown varnish, which is clear, natural and gives a deep and bright tone.

Many first time customers also wonder which bow is the best for a beginner. The bow is your number 1 tool to produce a good tone from the violin. A good bow will improve the tone and playability, which in turn makes it easier to play. Glarry GV306,with redwood octagonal bow, durable horse hair, make the bow more stronger tougher and smoother.

Glarry GV306 violin, believe it or not, it a better choice for a beginner. You do not need to "Rob Your Wallet", you can afford it.

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